Monday, November 24, 2008

Team Update: 11/24

Still coming up with some more meaty post ideas, hence the silence. I figured no one wanted little snippet-style posts while I was working. I mean, I can start writing stuff like "Thursday: Hit 80. Working on smithing. Hungry." Doesn't seem like that would be all that interesting though. Regardless, it's been a while so I'll try and play catch-up.

Last week I hit 80, so I moved on to smithing and dungeon work. A mountain of saronite later, I was finally taught how to make my Titansteel Shield Wall. Now that is why I became a smith! Yes, I know that I'll just replace it with something from a dungeon later on, but it just feels nice to have a shield that you made yourself.

Later, my dungeoneering buddies and I gave the shield a proper warmup by exploring the rest of the smaller dungeons. We're still waiting for a couple of others to finish their training before we move on to the more heroic stuff, but there's still treasure left in those places we haven't taken. The downtime while waiting for the rest of the group to catch up also allows me to spend some time working on stuff for the team.

I found a death knight to recruit a few days ago. There's still some paperwork to fill out in Orgrimmar, so I'll have to introduce him later. In the meantime I've got him running around gathering materials in the Eastern Kingdoms; no member of this team is going to Outland or Northrend without having their professions caught up.

Lastly, I worked with Solannis to come up with a Protection spec and sent him out into the Howling Fjord to practice. It wasn't pretty at first (I think the last time he swung an axe was in Desolace), but after a while he was starting to get into the swing of things. I think the work will go faster once he starts working with a hunter associate of ours, but so far he seems to be having much more fun than just running around Holy Shocking things. I'll ask him to write something up once he's had the chance to tank a couple of dungeons and get some idea of what he's doing.

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