What the... By the Light! People! You've gotta help me! I've been stranded here alone for years now. The dwarf was with me for a while, but then he vanished and I think the gnome's gone feral or something cause he's long since disappeared. I yell out at the other people in Ironforge to get there attention, but it's like I'm a ghost or something. I've had nothing to eat but Silverleaf and Peacebloom for ages now. I'm pretty sure that stuff isn't healthy after this long. Please, for the love of Lordaeron, help m-
Oops, looks like we lost the connection. Oh well, wouldn't want to take up too much of Tuknir's valuable time so we'll let him get back to whatever it was that he was doing. See you folks next time.
(Alright, Sol, Mordigg, which one of you smartasses thought it would be funny to not tell me the human lost his mind? And what was he wearing? Valor?! Man, it really is like he's lost in time or something.)
6th Picture of the 6th Folder game... tag, you're it!
Lost in time and lost in his own mind...hehe
Man that Valor set takes me back...
Yeah, I remember working so hard to get that Valor gear. I think it was before Dire Maul came out and they added in actual tanking gear instead of the odd collection of stats that was Valor.
Looking at Tuk again did remind me of those days when I didn't know what defense was or why Sunder Armor was awesome. I'm honestly kinda amazed we didn't die more often with all of the mistakes I used to make.
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