Lokaja: Thanks, I... HEY! What's wrong with my pet names?
Ragar: I'm just calling it like I see it. You have horrible taste in pet names.
Lokaja: Gimme one name that isn't great.

Lokaja: First off, don't talk bad about my wolf. There are fewer surefire ways to piss off an orc than to say something bad about our wolves. Secondly, Kibbles fits him. Sure he looks mean and all, but he's really just an overgrown puppy. One with spiky armor and very pointy teeth, yeah, but still a pup at heart.

Lokaja: I'll admit it may not be fancy, but it's descriptive. He loves to bite things. Little guy damn near bit off my hand when I tamed him.
Ragar: And last, but certainly not least, is Cat.
Lokaja: What's wrong with Cat? Plenty of hunters out there have a pet named Cat.
Ragar: Yes, but theirs are actually cats. Let's take a look.

Ragar: Does that look like a cat to you?
Lokaja: Well, in the right light, if you squint a bit -
Ragar: I'll ask again, does that look like a cat?
Lokaja: ... no...
Ragar: What does it look like?
Lokaja: A devilsaur...
Ragar: And that's why we're gonna take votes for any other pets you find that need names.
Haha, thats awesome.
I like giving my hunter's pets people names.
I named my boar Stanley, my gorilla is named Henry, my core hound was named Monica, and I named my devilsaur Stacy, after my sister. My sister loves to make it known when she's in the room, so I went with that.
Names aren't my strong suit. If I don't have a random name generator, only bad things can come about.
I think my old D&D group was one more Warforged (fancy word for sorta living robot) character away from taking away my naming privileges. And honestly, the fact that I had S.T.E.V.E. the Warforged psychic and Toaster Oven the Warforged inventor is probably enough to support their claims.
It usually takes me forever to come up with a really good pet name, that's why I enlisted Mania's help a time or two. She has a "name that pet" post that she'll do every once in a while. You can email her your little story and the community helps you find the perfect name :)
Pretty spiffy.
My pet cat right now, has no name. I have no clue what to call her.
Hmm, might have to try that for the next pet. Thanks for the tip.
I'd offer a suggestion for the cat's name, but we've already established that I really shouldn't be allowed to name anything.
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