Despite all that though, I finished getting the quest and got my recipe. That just left learning how to make a Fish Feast, so off I went to search the rivers of Northrend for the fish needed to finish my cooking training and learn my last recipe. There was a bit of a delay from the guild asking me to schedule Solannis to off-tank their 10-man Obsidian Sanctum run that night. Stupid "only one person can work at a time" contracting rules... Regardless, once that was taken care of and Solannis collected his fee, I went back to my fishing and got my last skill point. A quick trip back to Dalaran for my recipe, and my journey was at an end.

Ah, it feels so nice to finally have that taken care of. There may be dozens of other titles available, but there's just something about Chef that's awesome. Now if only I could find an epic chef hat or a frying pan shield to accompany my shield. Maybe one of those white smock things that the chefs in the fancy parts of Dalaran wear. I don't care if it's not all that great compared to my actual tanking gear - it could be vendor trash quality for all I care. I just think I'd look awesome in a chef hat.
Congrats on the title! Reading back several posts and it appears you definitely had your work cut out for you, Chef. Glad to see all that hard work paid off! /cheer
Welcome to zee blogroll btw :)
Love your blog name!
my blog is:
See you around! :)
Congrats on the title. I'm a bit jealous! *makes note to learn more recipies*
@One: Thanks for the compliment. I'm kinda surprised I didn't already have your blog in my bookmarks already (the bloglist here is a little sparse but that's because I'm lazy and keep forgetting to add to it). I like the post about leveling as a healing spec; that was originally going to be how Solannis leveled before he decided to try tanking.
@riffraff: Thanks. I'm not sure jealous is the right word though. Jealous seems like something you'd use on a guy that has Twilight Vanquisher or Champion of the Frozen Wastes. Chef, as awesome as it is, doesn't exactly scream "mighty warrior" like those do. Now Iron Chef would've been another story, but unfortunately that's not an option.
I'm glad somebody out there enjoyed these cooking stories. Achievements or not, I wasn't positive that many people would care for these. After all, it's a bit of a far cry to go from reading about Naxxramas strategies or tanking theory on one site, then to come stumbling across my blog where I'm writing about a tauren swearing at a goblin in Shattrath over cooking recipes.
nah I like Fishing and Cooking stuff. Yeah "Chef" is probably easier than getting "Salty" but hey.. I was thinking how good the title "Chef Failsauce" would be for my DK =D
Still I'm too cheap to buy the damn hoarde recipes off the AH tho.
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