Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Blog Name & Post Preview

First off, the blog's got a new name as everyone can see. One of the posters on Blog Azeroth pointed out that there was another blog out there with a similar name to the one I had and that it might cause some confusion. Since I was the new guy and wasn't particularly attached to the name anyways, I came up with another one. It might not be the best name in the world, but it describes my job as a tank fairly well. I actually got the idea for the title from something we did on Sunday, which brings me to the next part of this post.

This weekend we finally got enough people together to go explore the Obsidian Sanctum. None of us had ever been in there before and out of all of us, I was the only one who had done any sort of research beforehand. We were sorta under-equipped, borderline clueless about what was inside, and most of us should have turned in for the night before the group even formed. For our group, these are the conditions that bring about our greatest victories... and a few failures of legendary proportion. Luckily for us, it was the first one; we took out the three drakes along the sides, then the large angry dragon in the center, all in under an hour. Everybody got their emblems, a couple people picked up some shiny new toys - all in all, a good night's work.

The reason I call this a "post preview" is that I plan on making a full-fledged post about this fight: tank positioning, how to easily dodge the lava, details about the drakes, etc. However, a post like that would require pictures and I neglected to take any because I was:
  1. Barely awake
  2. Not entirely sure we would win
Now that we know what we're doing, we can return once the dragon's slept off his beating and I can get some proper pictures to go along with the explanation. I'll try and remember to get something to track some numbers for people too, just to provide a few details for anyone wondering, "Can I tank that and live?" All I remember is some unresisted flame breath attacks for about 9000, but that's it. The group I went with was excited about going back there and also making our way into Naxxramas, so it shouldn't be too long before I can write up the full article.

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