Friday, October 28, 2011

What Do You Mean I'm Going to Firelands Tonight?

So you finally got some raiding action, huh Grunz? I would've figured you'd have at least another week or two of gearing up.

Yeah, so did I. Your paladin friend and I have been running heroics for the last week or so, but I figured we wouldn't be seeing the inside of Firelands just yet. Imagine my surprise when I get home Wednesday and instead of heading off to do my dailies, I'm getting dragged inside of a raid I've never seen before to offtank. Apparently their normal offtank was sick that night.

Surprise raid, huh? Guessing you weren't quite up to speed on all of the boss mechanics beforehand, huh?

Up to speed? I knew absolutely nothing about that place going in other than "Ragnaros lives here" and "fire is hot". Those were the extent of my knowledge of Firelands.

Gotta love trial by fire.

Couldn't make it a whole post without a terrible pun, could you?

Nope. Back to the raid though. How'd it go, what with you being completely unprepared?

Surprisingly well actually. We one-shot everything up to Ragnaros and I picked up a few new pieces of gear. I did drop once on Shannox and once on Baleroc, but nothing we couldn't recover from. We weren't quite able to take down Ragnaros though, but we got him to about 10 million or so. Fun fight by the way - little hectic, but the fun fight's usually are.

You mean like Sindragosa?

Not funny. That's annoying, not hectic. There's a difference.

True enough. Sounds like the raid went pretty well considering you went in blind. Did they just have you read up on each fight before the pull?

My training was your friend, the main tank, gave me about 30-60 seconds of explanation right before the pull. It got a little more detailed for Ragnaros, but honestly that's the only one that really requires some preparation. The others are pretty easy to offtank from what I could tell.

Good to hear that the first raid went well for you.

Yeah, it was a good first raid after all that downtime. Group seemed like a nice bunch, so we should get along while you've got me on this assignment. Any idea how long this'll be?

Honestly? I couldn't say. We've still got no date for the Tyria trip and that other scouting mission I was looking at isn't for another couple months. Good news for you though is that with the recent news, you should have work for the foreseeable future. Might even have a new recruit to share the workload over there once I can find a suitable one.

Well, it's better than sitting around the office waiting for work with the rest of the team or packing for the move.

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