Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Close but no cigar

Ragar: During the weekend, Solannis and some of the guys from the guild decided to try out 10-man Ulduar. They made it pretty far, but unfortunately couldn't down Mimiron before calling it last night. Regardless no one was expecting to make it that far in the first week, so it was still a victory. No loot for Sol, but for the most part Ulduar-10 gear is a sidegrade unless you're taking down bosses in Hard Mode, so no one was really there for loot. Any notes or comments going into this new week of raiding, Sol?

Solannis: Well, for Mimiron in particular, I believe we've got the mechanics down. It's just a matter of execution and everyone surviving. You can't afford to have anyone fall during the first three phases of the fight, but I believe we've got that down for the most part. The fourth phase is everything combined, so that's just going to require some additional practice since we only tried it three times before calling it a night.

Ragar: How's the new spec holding out?

Solannis: So far so good. I did have the opportunity to actually try out my new Divine Sacrifice spell on Mimiron; the MT was trying to plan out cooldowns for phase 1's Plasma Blasts and someone mentioned Hand of Sacrifice, which made me remember that I had that and the upgraded talent version. Nothing in Naxxramas hit particularly hard, so I'd honestly forgotten that I had those abilities. I have noticed something in particular about my current spec/glyphs and our buffs to Divine Plea.

Ragar: Such as?

Solannis: When I'm off-tanking, I have to be really careful to not pull aggro off the main tank. I found that out the other day on the trash leading up to the new Vault boss. The MT asked why I taunted off of him and I said I didn't, which brought about a bit of a tirade. Something about perfect rotations and using every cooldown. Regardless, it means that I have to be a little more cautious. For example: during phase 1 of Mimiron, I can't have Righteous Fury on or I will pull off the MT. For the rest of the fight though, it's fine.

Ragar: Remember to get any pictures this time?

Solannis: As a matter of fact I did, though just two. I forgot to take pictures during the bosses since I was more concerned with living, but I did get a couple good shots on the way to Mimiron.

Tonight's more 25-man work, so hopefully we'll make some progress there. It'll feel a little off though going from Mimiron practice to XT-002 Deconstructor, but hopefully our smaller scale operations will make the 25-man work go that much smoother.

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