*cough* Damn dust! *cough* Guess I should've hired someone to clean while we were gone.
Hello, anybody who forgot to take us off their feed readers! Been a while, huh? I suppose I should talk about why we haven't posted in a while and maybe play a bit of catch-up for what's happened in the last couple years.
The former's kinda easy to cover honestly: nothing worth writing about happened for a long time. Looking at the last couple posts we did, it was the guys running heroic dungeons over and over again and I was just doing weekly wrap-up style posts. After a few of those, we decided to take a break until something worth writing about came along. I didn't enjoy writing those "Dear diary, we ran heroics today..." posts and I doubt anyone really enjoyed reading them. There's something to be said for making yourself write just to stay in practice or to get into the habit, but we can recognize when we're trying to hard just for the sake of having a post up with today's date.
As for what's happened in the last couple years, I'm gonna save a good chunk of that for other posts. Part of that is because there's enough there for separate posts, but most of it is just for brevity (my rough draft of this post with all the details hit four pages and I was barely finishing the wrap-up). I'll summarize it all though: we ran heroics, we went to raids, Azeroth blew up, we did a lot of leveling, and we were starting to get a bit burned out towards the end. Being tanks though, you keep going for the sake of the group and because there was still some enjoyment to be found in the work. Earlier this year though, the guild Solannis (who became Solagar - long story for another day), Mordigg, and myself were all contracting for kinda, sorta exploded. They were still there in name and general spirit, but the ones we all enjoyed working alongside the most all left for various reasons. Some to find work with another guild, some to go join the PvP circuit, but most of them just needed a break from the war and the Horde and went their separate ways.
This left us with a decision: do we stick around with the guild despite it no longer having the people we enjoyed working with, or do we follow suit and blaze our own trail? After some discussion with the entire team (even the Alliance branch came down to weigh in), we came to a conclusion: time to move on. I got the feeling from the team that we all just needed a change of pace and scenery. Some new business contacts also wouldn't go amiss, since the Alliance branch wasn't particularly thrilled with King Varian and I really hate Garrosh. Between the two of them, a lot of good soldiers are going to die for stupid reasons and I'll be happy to be gone while they fight it out.
Of course, deciding to look for work other than Alliance or Horde does leave us with a predicament, but we've got enough engineers on the team that we can find a way around that. I mean, if we can send men off to alternate Azeroths to open new branch offices for us, I think we can find a new home. Med's been hard at work investigating new worlds for us where we can set up shop and members of the team have already investigated a few of them. Some have held promise, but just didn't pan out. Some visits have ended nearly as quickly as they began.
There is one place that has our attention though. It's got plenty of work for adventurers like us, there's far less faction vs. faction nonsense than we're dealing with on Azeroth, and it's technologically advanced enough that Med and the other engineers are all fighting over who gets to do the first scouting mission:

Usually a good sign when the team's actually competing to see who gets to go in first instead of needing coerced or threatened. Guess I should start digging through the recon Med's found, so I can start posting about that.
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