Not a whole lot to report for myself the last few weeks: cooking dailies, farming ore, the usual.
Mordigg spent most of the last few weeks gathering herbs to mill as he tries to make his
Darkmoon Card: Greatness trinket; right now we've got the Prisms Deck made so
Daikaja can get the
Darkmoon Card: Illusion as a healing trinket, but the other decks are all sitting at five or six out of eight cards. He's also run a few more heroics for emblems towards his tier pieces, but really I just need to get him assigned to a 10-man
Naxx run again.
Solannis finally got to take down
Malygos (well, the 10-man version at least), so now he's got that new tanking
neck he'd been looking for. Guild's still working on the bigger version of the fight, but it's something. Funny thing was, he got the achievement, but didn't get the
Champion of the Frozen Wastes title. I took a look at his achievements and found the problem. Apparently he's never gone to
Oculus; I suppose I'll have to fix that at some point and schedule him for a run one of these days. Since Sol's become our main field agent for raiding these days, he needs a title and until he gets to work and gets Chef, he'll have to settle for Champion of the Frozen Wastes. That or I could make him get Challenger again, but I'm guessing that suggestion won't go over well.
Most of the team's effort the last few weeks though has gone into two of our cloth-wearing members. Our senior engineer,
Medeleth, has been making fairly good progress into
Northrend. Granted, getting him to step out of the lab was a pain, but once I got it into his head that he wouldn't be able to upgrade his
goggles or learn the secrets of the
motorcycle without some legwork, he started burning through those quests in
Borean Tundra. Earlier today he hit 74, so it shouldn't be too much longer before he catches up to the rest of us and we can start working on some gear for him.
The other
clothie who's made some great progress would be our resident priest,
Matheion. Up till now, we've never had a priest pass the 20 mark. They'd always end up running for the hills or vanishing from the face of
Azeroth or something like that. Regardless, we've finally got a priest that's made it past the Barrens and through the proper application
of heirloom items,
craftable pieces from other members of the team, and the occasional threat, he'll make it to
Northrend or die trying.